Capture Insights

Streamline Data Collection and Analysis with Timebook's AI-Powered Insights


Capture %Insights% with AI

Take the hard work out of analysing all your user research interviews by getting AI to extract the insights for you, with a clear audit trail to the direct quotes from your interviewees that underpin them.


Capture %Insights% with AI

Take the hard work out of analysing all your user research interviews by getting AI to extract the insights for you, with a clear audit trail to the direct quotes from your interviewees that underpin them.


Receive %data from various sources% with inbox

Integrate your Timebook Inbox with email, web forms or Slack. Feedback from all channels arrives in one easy-to-review queue, so you can keep track and manage all the ideas that come in.


Receive %data from various sources% with inbox

Integrate your Timebook Inbox with email, web forms or Slack. Feedback from all channels arrives in one easy-to-review queue, so you can keep track and manage all the ideas that come in.


Turn insights into %opportunities%

Triage your Insights into Opportunities (or Bugs or Tasks), so you can evaluate a single actionable idea in the context of multiple user sources that raised it.


Turn insights into %opportunities%

Triage your Insights into Opportunities (or Bugs or Tasks), so you can evaluate a single actionable idea in the context of multiple user sources that raised it.

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